Friday 7 December 2007

Shop Assistants "Safety Net" (unreleased rough mix for single) (53rd & 3rd, 1985)

There's a story behind this particular song, and it's here, in all its glory. I do ramble on a bit, but look at that time! 2.18 am! I think alcohol may have been involved.
As it says in the blog post, this version of "Safety Net", without doubt the highpoint of the Shop Assistants short career, was the rough mix, and not the eventual version that was released. The comparisons between the two versions are pronounced: the stereo separation is greater, the vocals are higher in the mix....but at the end of the day, the most obvious difference is the lack of guitar. By the time it was finally released, David Keegan had quite literally COVERED the song in waves of squalling guitar. To be honest, it's those waves of nose-bleed guitars that give the actual single it's thrilling power, but it's really interesting to hear how it was initially recorded. Hearing this rough mix again, after so many years, still sends a chill up my spine.
I got this tape on a Saturday afternoon, in October 1985, the day after "Safety net" was recorded, and later on that Saturday evening, we watched the band open their set at Moray House in Edinburgh with it. I've posted that live version as well, plus the second song in the set "All That Ever Mattered", with Alex giving me a little shout out at the start :)

Shop Assistants "Safety Net" (Rough Mix) (mp3)

Shop Assistants "Safety Net/All That Ever Mattered" (Live at Moray House College, Edinburgh, October 1985) (mp3)


JamesTrash said...

The Shoppies were brilliant, weren't they. "Safety Net" might just be my favourite record from the 80's (mood depending). Thanks for letting us hear this rough mix.
I actually just ripped a Shop Assistants flexi from '85 a few days ago, but I'm leaning towards blogging the other song by the Chesterfields.

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog - it looks great! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease can I beg you to re-upload these two Shop Assistants mp3s and the JAMC/ICA one????!!!!

Anonymous said...

Iain ,can i also ask you to please re-upload these two tracks.
In late 1985 i was 15 years old and bored with chart music so i decided to give a listen to some fella called John Peel , he played Safety Net and my world became full of weird & wonderful music.
Their only album is a joy to listen to, long overdue for a CD reissue in my opinion.

Fruitier Than Thou said...

I was a great fan of the SHOPPIES .. They used to do a great version of SUZI QUATRO's "What A Way To Die" which somehow always made me think of SCREAMING LORD SUTCH!! I'm sure I have some tapes of those old RATT gigs. I'll have to dig them out.

Did you ever make it the "Magical Mystery Twang" day in Brighton ...... THE SHOP ASSISTANTS, THE JUNE BRIDES, 10 MILLION QUENTINS & THE CHESTERFIELDS? I remember that being a fine way to spend a cold December sunday...Albeit eventually in a very low ceiling bowling alley in a big old pub in Templecombe.

Iain Baker said...

Ooops, went on Holiday and let my Fileden account slide, it's all sorted now, so the Shoppies downloads should be working fine....any problems, let me know :)
And yes, one of these days i'll put the JAMC gig up again, it's the one thing I get sked for more than any other....

Anonymous said...

Thanks a million!

(the earlier Anoymous requester)

Joe said...

I hate to bother but you couldnt re-up? perrrrty pweeese!?

mike said...

Re-uploads of those two Shop Assistants items and the JaMC ICA early gig would be greatly +++ appreciated. I found your blog only a few days ago and would really love to hear those gems. I'll keep checking back here in hopes...

Holly said...

Oh dear, a reup of the Safety Net demo w/b most appreciated if you ever are so inclined... thank you.

AuthorUnknown4K said...

Hi, could you re-upload those two songs, please?

I feel like if I would find a treasure, but with nothing inside.

It is almost imposible to find that rare version of "Safety Net". I have one version I downloaded a couple years ago (on 320 kbps), but when I listen to it, it sounds lower.

Thank you.